If you, like me, didn’t have the chance to go to WWDC, you may find yourself with an overwhelming amount of material to catch up (developer docs, betas, session videos).

I’d like to share how I’m navigating this vast sea, hoping it can help you as well.

  1. Review the session schedule. This is available in both the WWDC app and in Apple’s website.
  2. Plan a schedule for yourself, as if you were attending WWDC. This will help you take only so much sessions and force you to make decissions that otherwise you wouldn’t make. Remember that Presidio is the major conference room at Moscone West, so the sessions in there are what Apple expected to be more crowded.
  3. Watch the sessions in that order. Take not of any related sessions that might pop, in case you are interested later.

The WWDC app is great and is what I’m using, but the main drawback is that the videos are streamed. If you want to download the videos for offline viewing them you can do so from Apple’s site.